Kibale National Park

Kibale National Park, located in western Uganda, is renowned as the "Primate Capital of the World" due to its exceptional concentration of 13 primate species, including a large population of habituated chimpanzees. It is the best place for chimpanzee trekking to see chimps in their natural setting in Africa.

Kibale Adventures

Kibale Forest National Park is renowned for its Kanyanchu Primate Walk, the park's most popular activity. During this walk, visitors can seek out thirteen primate species, encountering a diverse array of diurnal monkeys. However, the highlight of this bi-daily experience is undoubtedly the chimpanzees.

The Kanyanchu Primate Walk offers a unique opportunity to observe chimpanzees in their natural habitat. Tracked since 1993, the chances of locating these fascinating creatures are excellent. Guided walks commence at 8 am and 2 pm, lasting around three hours, depending on various factors.

This perennially popular activity allows visitors to witness chimpanzees in their natural environment, with a high success rate of over 90% for locating them. The walks, starting at 08:00, 11:00, and 14:00, are 2-5 hours long. Early arrival is recommended for registration and briefing.

Interaction with the chimpanzees is limited to one hour, with group sizes capped at six visitors, and participants must be 16 or older. Advance booking is essential.

Beyond chimpanzees, Kibale Forest National Park is home to a rich diversity of wildlife, including 120 mammal species such as baboons, elephants, and antelopes. The forest also hosts 370 bird species, including 23 Albertine Rift endemics like the Nahan's francolin, Cassin's spinetail, blue-headed bee-eater, and low-land masked apalis.

The chimpanzee population in Kibale is particularly noteworthy, boasting around 1,500 individuals divided into at least a dozen communities. Four of these communities are habituated to human presence, with the Kanyantale community being tracked by tourists daily since 1993.

Kibale Safaris

Activities in Kibale

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