Volcanoes National Park

Volcanoes National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site nestled within Rwanda's Virunga Mountains, is world-renowned for its endangered mountain gorilla population and breathtaking volcanic landscapes. Gorilla trekking in Volcanoes is a top attraction that should bring you to Rwanda.

Gorillas, Hiking, Conservation, and more ..

Nestled in the northwest corner of Rwanda, Volcanoes National Park is a haven of biodiversity and a bucket-list destination for wildlife enthusiasts. This UNESCO World Heritage site harbors a significant portion of the world's remaining mountain gorillas, offering travelers the remarkable opportunity to trek through lush rainforests and observe these gentle giants in their natural habitat. Your heart will pound with excitement as you witness their playful interactions and quiet power, forever changing your perspective on our close primate relatives.

But Volcanoes National Park is more than just gorillas. It is an untamed land of dormant volcanoes, their imposing peaks draped in mist and creating a dramatic backdrop. One such peak, Mount Karisimbi, is the highest in Rwanda and offers seasoned hikers a challenging trek to its summit. Another highlight is a visit to the tomb of legendary primatologist Dian Fossey, whose groundbreaking work with the gorillas brought them to the world's attention and ignited a conservation movement.

Nature lovers can enjoy treks to spot golden monkeys, playful primates known for their vibrant fur. Exploring the park's network of trails reveals lush bamboo forests, cascading waterfalls, and even the eerie Musanze Caves, formed by ancient lava flows. For a breathtaking panoramic view, hike to the crater lake on Mount Bisoke, its vibrant blue waters a stunning contrast to the surrounding peaks.

Volcanoes National Park is a reminder of the immense power and beauty of nature. By visiting, you not only support critical conservation efforts for mountain gorillas and other wildlife but also embark on an unforgettable journey of discovery, leaving you with an enduring appreciation for Rwanda's natural wonders.

Gorilla Trekking Tours in Volcanoes

Gorilla trekking tours in Volcanoes National Park give you an opportunity to observe endangered mountain gorillas in their natural habitat. The best time to visit is during the dry seasons (June to September and December to February). A Rwanda gorilla permit, priced at $1500, is required and supports conservation efforts. Expect a potentially challenging hike in humid conditions, but the reward of spending an hour with these incredible creatures is unforgettable.


Accommodation - where to stay

Choosing the right accommodation in Volcanoes National Park makes sure you have the best experience trekking gorillas, bringing you closer to the park's natural wonders while offering various levels of comfort and luxury. Here's an overview of some of the best places to stay within or near the park:

Luxury In The Wilderness

Mid-Range Comfort and Convenience

Budget-friendly options

Shoestring hotels